Equipping churches to be at the forefront of violence reduction in their community
Interrupting Bad Actions
Intercepting Bad Actors
Intervention Connections: An in-person visit by community stakeholders with a message of hope and offer of help—of acute offenders with a team assigned to coach and mentor them into a radically different and more productive life pattern.
fewer homicides in Together Chicago's violence reduction focus area in East Garfield Park, Jan 1 - Dec 5, 2023, compared to previous year
fewer shootings in Together Chicago's violence reduction focus area in East Garfield Park, Jan 1 - Dec 5, 2023, compared to previous year
faith leaders trained to participate in Intervention Connections
violence reduction team members working in our five focus areas

5 Geographies
Our violence reduction team members work collaboratively in the following areas:
- Austin
- East Garfield Park
- Greater Grand Crossing
- Near West Side
- Westhaven Park
A Fresh Start: How Expungement is Changing Lives
At Together Chicago, we are dedicated to helping individuals overcome the barriers of their past...
New Year, New Opportunities: Helping Participants Prepare for Employment
As the new year begins, one of our focus has been on fresh starts for individuals who have faced...
Together Chicago Violence Prevention Team Wins One City Basketball Tournament
This past Saturday, Together Chicago's Violence Prevention team won the championship in the One...
Our Team

Be a part of this collective effort to improve safety in Chicago communities